How to Demo the "List of Lists" Champion: Unzip all files in "CHAMP.ZIP" to the same directory. Start your WWW Browser. Select the "File" menu and choose "Open". Find the directory where you unzipped "CHAMP.ZIP" and select the file "home.htm". That's all there is to it! ------------------------------------------------------- Files included in CHAMP.ZIP: home.htm To start Demo news.htm Newsgroup index index.htm Main index (265 subjects) order.htm Order form format.htm Explanation of directory format internet.htm Internet-WWW subject to use for Demo disclaim.htm End-User License Agreement p.gif Image for *.htm files ques.gif Image for *.htm files champ.gif Image for *.htm files order.txt Order form in ASCII readme.txt This file ------------------------------------------------------- Feel free to distribute "CHAMP.ZIP" on any BBS, Internet site, etc.